Monday, Dec. 31, 2007 3:40 P.M.

A Very Brief Thought Upon the Eve of the New Year

I Can�t Believe It�

Wasn't Halloween just about 3 weeks ago? And I was trying to avoid being home for the Trick or Treaters?

And then, Thanksgiving was a couple of weeks ago, and we went up to Son's home in the mountains. Why, only yesterday it was the end of this year�s Daylight Savings time and the darkness came too soon each day. Which brings us to last week, when it really was the shortest daylight time of the year�and then Christmas slipped through our fingers somewhere along the line seeming somewhat unmemorable and...what? We will wake up tomorrow and it will be another year?

A very wise man once wrote:" What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."

That's why each day...each moment is incredibly important. And for me the most difficult thing to do is to live in the moment. "Be alive NOW."

Another very wise man wrote: "If the only prayer you ever pray is 'thank you', that will be enough."

Thank You!

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