January 20, 2004 5:18 P.M.

Time for Change

Las Vegas as few have seen it. Taken from daughter�s open garage door, early morning 12/29/03.

If I had waited just a few more days, January would be past with no news from the �Homespun Philosopher�. It�s getting down to the wire. Several people have written and said things like, �Are you back?� �Are you okay?� �Where is the H.P. these days?�

Yes, I returned home a little over a week ago. It was a lovely Christmas. We had a little snow everywhere we went. Even in the Las Vegas area. (top photo) And also Christmas night in Tehachapi, CA, which is a little more to be expected.

Christmas Night in Tehachapi

However, I have had a really difficult time getting back into the groove of things. I feel scattered. I just want to straighten things�and �zone�. I have a bad case of the �blahs�.

I think it is time for personal change. Not simply because it is the New Year, although there does have to be a �coming to an end�, and a point, or season, for newness. The New Year is as good a time as any for that. But it can be at any time.

I don�t make resolutions any longer. That�s like going on a diet. Doomed for failure. But changing one�s eating habits is not. Change, is different from resolution. It seems to me that a resolution is a decision. Change is an action.

I am not sure what changes I want to make. But that is where I am; ruminating on these things.

The dictionary has two definitions for ruminating:

  • To turn a matter over and over in the mind.

  • To chew cud.

Somehow I knew that. I �been chewin� cud! (You young city slickers will just have to look that one up for yourselves.)


Most of the people, who do the greatest good in this world, are not famous. And many of the people who are most famous, do very little good.

The ability of having true leadership and the desire to be loved, are mutually exclusive.

"Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark, unfathomed caves of ocean bear; Full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air."(Gray�s �Elegy�)

It takes a certain type of person, to see God�s hand in life. You can choose to say: �These are just the circumstances of life�; or, �This is the hand of God.� That�s what made Moses stand out from the crowd when he saw the burning bush.

Thanks for reading. I hope to see you again, soon.

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